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A3 Figurine d - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2. PLATO PLATO is an abbreviation for Programmed Logic for Teaching Assistants. PLATO was designed by Seymour Papert of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab in the 1960s and implemented by the Palo Alto Research Center. It was designed as a digital version of the Watson/Newtons method of problem-solving, rather than an instructional system, the basic assumption of the system was that a student could automatically learn a large number of facts and concepts by using a computer to study them. Paperts initial purpose was to use it to aid in teaching elementary school students. The PLATO program came into existence in 1964, and was run by the Palo Alto Research Center from 1965 to 1973. In 1973, when Seymour Papert left the PA. C, the program moved to the Educational Testing Service where it has been running until the present. A number of new versions have been developed over the years, most notably PLATOs Release 3.0 in the mid-1980s. PLATOs intelligent tutoring system consisted of software, a computer and tutor. The software was divided into a number of components including a set of questions that could be asked of the student, a knowledge base of information, a memory component that allowed the tutor to store the answers to the questions. The tutor was an artificial intelligence, it used the method of constructive questioning. The tutor would ask a question that contained two parts, the question itself and an instruction to the student, the student was given an instruction that might be for example to copy the last word that the tutor had said, add it to the end of a sentence, or read the last word or line of text in a magazine or book. The tutors instructions were written to solve the problem in the context of the lesson, for example, to read a paragraph of text and repeat the last word, or to read a word of text and add it to a list. The student would carry out the instruction, then the tutor would ask another question, the tutor would then use the answers and instructions that it had built up to guide the students investigation of the subject matter, for example, the tutor might ask a question with two answers, but only one of those answers would be correct. The tutor would then ask the students for the answer and then compare the students answer to the correct one. At any point in the course, if the student got the answer wrong, the tutor would give be359ba680

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